So, if the "church people" during Jesus' day were so bad, are they any different today? And, let me preface what I'm going to say with: "I was and am a church person." No, "church people" are no different today. They still tend towards self-righteousness. They still want to bring others into their idea of what church is, rather than allowing others to experience God in the way that God desires to reach others. They still think they have the truth for living "good lives," and "experiencing God's blessing." They are still offended by others who don't think like them. Most churches seem to either be inhabited by Republicans or Democrats, but not a mixture of both. Many who don't believe in God say: "How can I believe in Christ when his so-called followers don't live what they preach?' So, what is God's view of "church people"?
Jesus said: "I came for the sick. The well have no need of a physician." Jesus wasn't saying that some people are well. He obviously wasn't saying that the "church people" were well given the number of rebukes that He had for the "church people." Instead, Jesus was pointing out that only the sick can receive Him. The "well" have no need of Jesus. That is why Jesus spoke so harshly to the "church people." He loved them and wanted them to know that they had need of a physician. He wanted them to understand their sinful self-righteousness. He wanted them to understand their need for God. Because, then and only then, could they experience the amazing love of God.
For while we were yet sinners--whether our sins be of licentiousness or self-righteousness, Jesus died for us. Jesus let the "church people" kill Him--both to reveal the depth of their sin (the coldness of their hearts) and to reveal the immeasurable expanse of His love. As Jesus died, He got in one last shot at we "church people," He told God to forgive the Romans--the persons most despised by the "church people" of Jesus' day.
So, may God continue to reveal my self-righteousness. May God turn my heart towards sinners. May God have mercy on me--a "church person."