Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reflections on Jesus--Day 4


I owe this post to my good friend Mona.  She has been posting about 3s--there is a peculiar phenomenon that things in our world happen in 3s.  In fact, the most important year in my life was occasioned by the confluence of three events.  But, more on that later.  Today, I want to talk about 3s (harmonies) and whether they are evidence of a creator.

Another friend on FB, Luke, posted an article discussing mult-verses.  Many scientists now are positing that there are multiple universes.  They realize that the probability of life occurring on earth through some cosmic accident is so "de minimis" that only multiple universes--many, many different universes--can explain the random occurrence of life on earth.  In other words, there must be many, many universes which are nothing like ours (and which we have never seen) in order for our universe to have life which comports with the probability that life would form on its own.  Of course, there is another answer--intelligent design--God.

If there are multiple universes, and ours is simply the result of chance, would you expect to see harmony in our universe, or dis-harmony?  In other words, would you expect to see that events are entirely random, or would you expect to see coincidences?  In my experience, our world refutes chance and multi-verses.

In his latest book, Stephen King describes harmonies.  His main character is a time-traveler bent on stopping the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  Presumably, if he can stop the assassination of Kennedy, the present-day world will be a better place.  In traveling between the present and 1963, he sees many events which appear to just be coincidences, but they are striking.  In fact, he comes to see these coincidences as harmonies.  Stephen King even intertwines this book with two of his previous books--harmonies.  King captures the beauty of coincidence--those events that point not towards randomness, but towards harmonies--towards an intelligent designer--God.  Interestingly, when King's protagonist stops the assassination of Kennedy and then returns to present day, the world is falling apart--there are earthquakes, the U.S. is in disarray politically, and society is crumbling.  This man has upset the divine order, and the world is decaying into chaos.  He then returns to the past again, allows Kennedy to be killed (in this book, time can be re-set) and when he returns to the present day, things are once again in order.  King is right--there is a harmony to life set in place by God, which sinful man tries to destroy--sometimes with the best intentions.

For what it's worth, "11/23/63" is also a beautiful love story.  It truly expresses the unselfish love that can exist, although rarely, in our world.  The master of horror also captures the existence of God and the beauty of love.  Some would say that his stories of horror reflect that the world is under the control of Satan.  But virtually all of his books also reflect the light of God which shines into the horrors of this world.

My favorite harmony from the Bible is the birth of the nation of Israel.  It all began when Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery.  Then, Joseph was wrongly imprisoned due to the lies of Potiphar's wife, where he met the pharaoh's cup-bearer.  Due to having met the cup-bearer, Joseph met the pharaoh and interpreted his dream.  (Both the baker's and cup-bearer's dreams were of 3s.)  The pharaoh exalted Joseph to the number two position in Egypt, which allowed Joseph to make provision for the famine.  Due to this, Joseph's family was saved--from whom the twelve tribes were birthed.  The Egyptians were saved, and over time the Jews became slaves in Egypt. (The slavery in Egypt allowed the Jews to go from being nomads to having a stable life, which allowed them to multiply.  From some 60 men at the time of Joseph, they grew to some 600,000 men at the time of the Exodus--a true nation.)  But, as God does, He takes these many actions which were meant for evil and turns them into good.  From the slavery and imprisonment of Joseph, to the salvation of his family, to their imprisonment in Egypt, the nation of Israel was birthed some 400 years later.  I was telling this story to James when he was 7.  James' response:  "Oh my gosh, we are God's chess pieces."  Kids get it--they understand that God is in charge and that He loves us.  That is why Jesus placed such importance on children.

This post itself is the result of a harmony--it results from the confluence of three events: 1)my just having read "11/23/63;"  2)Mona's posts about the triple deaths of terrorists;  and 3)Luke's post which discussed multi-verses.   In my experience, things do happen in 3s--reflections of the Trinity.

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