I heard Eric Metaxas' address at the National Prayer Breakfast. Metaxas had a relationship with GWB, but still he was invited to speak at this event attended by Pres. Obama. His address was wonderful. He said that perhaps the most unique thing about Christianity is that we are to "love our enemies." So, what does this look like in political discourse? My thought is that it looks the way Metaxas handled abortion and sexual choices--he spoke the truth, but with absolute grace. How does one do this?
In a recent sermon, our pastor was discussing Pro-Life Sunday. He queried whether abortion doctors were only in it for the money. He doubted so. He postulated that they may be just as concerned about the plight of un-wed mothers as Pro-Lifers are. He said that this could be common ground on which to build bridges of relationship and discourse. He said: "Finding common ground with those with whom we disagree is how the Gospel goes forth." I would suggest that this is also how we work together for the common good. The Gospel is all about the Kingdom of Heaven breaking forth into our world. It breaks forth when we find things we can agree on with our political opposites, and then work to bring those things about.
Insofar as finding common ground, Metaxas commented on how Christianity had brought forth a country where we want to help the poor. He said that some think the government should help the poor, while others think private interests should help the poor. But America is a country where virtually all of us believe in helping the poor. What insight by Metaxas! This has been highlighted for me in Larry Taunton's new book: "The Grace Effect," based upon his adoption of a Ukranian girl. Larry demonstrates how atheism leads to a government with little or no regard for the poor. Perhaps we all need to visit the Ukraine to realize how thankful we should be for America, and the values which our society holds!!! Perhaps if we can address the matters that we have in common, rather than being so divisive with our political discourse, America can be saved.
Finally, showing his humor, Metaxas said that: "If Pres. Obama can sing Al Green "a ca pell a" then I feel free to lead the crowd in Amazing Grace," which he did "a ca pell a." It was simply beautiful. May God bless Eric Metaxas and all others who remind us that our discourse with those with whom we disagree can be done with Christian love.
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