I was telling a Christian friend of mine about how helpful my dialogue has been with some of my atheist/agnostic friends. The dialogue obviously centers around whether there is a God and, if so, is he good? My friend said that this question is one of those freshman-dorm type questions--one which can't be proven one way or the other. Therefore, why discuss it?
In discussing this issue with atheists and agnostics, I have heard their plaintive cries--which have become my plaintive cries: If there is a God, why God why? Why is the world so f___'ed up? Why doesn't my wife love me? Why is my boss an asshole? Why is my child mentally retarded? If there is a God, why did he allow Hitler to slaughter my people?
I never had this depth of emotion before. I said blithely: "Jesus died to save me. Therefore, everything is going to be okay." While true, it is superficial. While true, it is only lip-speak. If you don't acknowledge and grapple with your broken heart, then you will never fully know Jesus.
Atheists and agnostics are willing to discuss these difficult issues, because it is these very issues which cause them either to reject or to doubt God. But the same is true for Christians. We all doubt God's goodness at some point, often at many points. Yet, for years, this seemed to be a taboo topic for me. It's not taboo for atheists and agnostics.
As I have discussed this world's brokenness, the inhumanity of man towards man, it has taken it's emotional toll upon me. But rather than ignoring or dealing superficially with this difficult "freshman-dorm" question, I have come to believe more than ever before that this radical, enigmatic, friend to the sinners is the only answer. He is the only answer, because He reveals that God's disposition towards man is one of mercy. God has lived through, embraced fully, this fallen world. God has been the victim of this fallen world. Yet, He is our friend--a friend of sinners. Yet, He brings us life--now and forevermore.
Praise God for those who question Him. For only they can come to truly know Him in all of His mercy and grace.
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