Friday, November 11, 2011

Man's Love for Institutions

The story unfolding at Penn State brings sharply into focus our irrational love for institutions.  So, does the ESPN movie: "Roll Tide/War Eagle."  So, does our devotion to the plethora (95%) of churches where the Gospel is not preached.  Why do we venerate our institutions?  Because we are looking for something bigger, greater, and better than ourselves to grasp onto for our identity.  It is our search for God.  Before there were institutions, societies created gods from earthly materials (stone and metals).  They were hoping to grasp onto and obtain favor from something greater.  Now, our stone and metal idols are the universities, churches, businesses (Apple) which give us identity.

I am a fairly rabid Alabama fan.  I recall when the news about Cam Newton first hit the airwaves, and I was exultant.  I thought:  "Finally, Auburn's cheating is going to come out."  As I began seeing the hurt that this was causing my Auburn friends, I came to repentance.  My love for Alabama should not trump my love for my fellow man.  I am now glad that Auburn wasn't found to be guilty--it would have devastated my Auburn friends.

Similarly, the rioting students at Penn State appear to be placing their feelings for their institution above their fellow man.  It appears that the coaches and administration at Penn State did so as well.  I can't come up with any reason for their inaction unless it was to preserve their good names and the good name of their institution.  If this is what was going on, it is a most stark example of venerating our institutions over man.

What I have found over time is that only the Suffering Servant will satisfy my craving for identity with something bigger, greater, and better.  Instead of trying to preserve His good name and His reputation, the Son of God gave up His good name, gave up His reputation, gave up His life for us, for me, for all of us who seek our identity in institutions, rather than Him.  What a God!  What a Savior!

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